June 4, 2014

Except Life’s Abundance Dog Food or Cat Food, Never Feed These to Pets

Fat trimmings and bones. Both small and large bone pieces can choke a dog; and can also cause lacerations, obstructions, and other injuries to your pooch’s digestive tract. Moreover, fat trimmings (cooked or uncooked) are harmful to dogs in large servings, as it can cause pancreatitis.

Milk and other dairy-based products. Both the digestive systems of cats and dogs aren’t equipped with enough lactase, a digestive enzyme that breaks down lactose (the sugar content of milk). Giving pets dairy-based products like milk or ice cream can cause an upset stomach, diarrhea, or even food allergies.


May 27, 2014

Dog Food: Settle for Nothing Less Than Real Meat

Quality dog food consists primarily of protein, as can be seen from the nutrition information on dog food labels. In fact, the protein concentration on some dog food brands is higher than on human food, despite both being made from the same kind of meat. For example, chicken meals for dogs contain three to four times more protein than a whole chicken, which has more water.

Chicken meal is made by rendering, a cooking process that uses low heat to melt the fat from animal tissue and cook the meat to crispiness. By eliminating the water content of the chicken, or any other kind of meat for that matter, rendering increases the concentration of protein for every ounce of meat.

However, protein content is no guarantee of quality. Pet owners who want only the best for their pets should make sure that the dog food they’re getting is made from quality meats, and not from questionable sources such as slaughterhouse waste.

A mark of quality pet food is straightforward labeling, which clearly identifies the type of meat or food source used. Ingredients listed as “meat meal” or “animal meats” should raise red flags for customers. It is always good practice to check the ingredients of pet foods and to know their effects on pets before making a choice.

May 9, 2014

Pet Nutrition: FAQs about Products like Life’s Abundance Puppy Food

"You could also check out basic feeding guides or charts for specific breeds so you’ll have a clearer idea on how much puppy food to serve per meal. How long do I feed my puppy with puppy food? Take note that the nutritional content of Life’s Abundance puppy food is only adequate for dogs below one year old. If your puppy already celebrated her one year birthday, then she will be considered as a mature dog and will need to be switched to adult food. Fortunately, it won’t be hard for you to find the right adult food as there are trusted companies like Healthy Pet Foods Online that carry a wide range of high-quality dog food products."

April 22, 2014

Healthy Dog Food: What Goes Into Making It

We love our dogs. Taking care of them is a number one priority for a lot of people – and part of properly caring for your canine pal is feeding him well. To make the right choice on which dog food to buy for your pet, here’s what to look for:

  • Animal protein – dogs are carnivores and it’s ideal to feed them animal protein. It is best to have the dog food you choose have this as a prominent part of its ingredients. Additionally, the ingredient list shouldn’t just say “meat.” The best dog food brands name where their meat comes from whether it be chicken, beef, or lamb. 

  • Animal protein meal – though it may sound nice to have fresh meat on the ingredient list, that’s still not enough for your canine companion. Meat contains a lot of water, lessening its protein content. Adding protein meal adds more of the necessary nutrients to the dog food.

  • Vegetables, fruits, and grains – dogs need a balanced diet like people do. Additional food ingredients contain nutrients that they cannot get from meat is good. Fruits and vegetables have vitamins, enzymes, and antioxidants to improve their health.

  • Expiration date – the ideal “best by” date is 10 to 11 months away, which indicates the food was made recently. More than a year or two beyond the manufacture date usually means it has a lot of preservatives.

Check the things mentioned above before buying food or edible treats for your furry pals to assure their continued health.

April 2, 2014

Tips in Giving Treats to Your Dog

If you are a canine lover, you might be familiar with the viral videos of Tillman, the skateboarding Bulldog, and Jumpy the Dog, the backflip-loving hound. You might have even been inspired to teach your dog a few tricks as well. Not to worry since dogs are actually one of the easiest animals to train. 

A big part of teaching your beloved dog is to ready some dog treats as these are a great way to reward him or her for doing a good job. Some dog owners are also quite generous with dog treats when their pet displays good behavior. Whatever the reason may be for giving treats to your dog, it is important to make sure that the treats are healthy and provide the necessary nutrients. 

Unfortunately, many of the dog treats you can buy from your favorite supermarket and groceries are full of artificial color and flavor. Some may even contain gluten, which may have harmful effects on dogs. If you constantly give such treats to dogs, you may be compromising their health, especially if you are excessively generous to pooches. 

Thankfully, you don't have to deprive your dogs of the treats they deserve. Some online sellers offer healthy dog treats that are packed with the nutrients a dog needs to have a full, active life. Some of these products even contain anti-oxidants which can boost your beloved canine's immune system.

March 26, 2014

Life’s Abundance Dog Food to Comply With New FDA Pet Food Guidelines

In light of the dangers of contamination, pet food manufacturers take steps to reduce the risk in pets. Dealers like Healthy Pet Foods Online sell natural Life’s Abundance Cat Food or Dog Food, which doesn’t use ingredients found in mainstream brands like beef and corn. In fact, the FDA also raised the concern of corn-based ingredients in livestock feeds.

Finally, the FDA encourages consumers to check the label before buying anything in the food market. Nutritional data and list of ingredients usually tell a bigger picture.


March 6, 2014

Life’s Abundance Dog Food: A Prime Choice from Puppy-hood to Adulthood

Simple: pay attention to your puppy – or your adult dog. If it is rejecting the puppy food for something else, that might be indicative of its growing preference for food with fewer calories. You can also study general tips – those that appear often when you consult research on the topic – if ever you find yourself confused at your dog’s eating habits.

Of course, knowing what to feed your pet at the appropriate time is just as important. You would want to give your pet the best, wholesome foods possible. A quality brand like Life’s Abundance Dog Food offers choices full of nutrition and just the right ingredients to keep your pet healthy in the long run.


February 24, 2014

Commercial Dog Food Alternatives

Some companies such as Life's Abundance Dog Food produce what amounts to doggie health food that uses special ingredients to give your pet maximum nutrition. You can also prepare your dog a home cooked meal. Just as your home cooked meal is better than prepackaged food, so is your pet’s meal better if it is home made. 

Dogs of course love meat. However, they can also enjoy vegetables and other types of food you may have never thought that a dog would eat. If you are going to give them meat, it is better to cook it rather than feed it to them raw, for just like humans they can ingest salmonella and other pathogens that can make them sick. Cook the meat to at least 160 degrees Fahrenheit, as recommended by the USDA & FDA guidelines to kill any bacteria. 

Bones are something that you always think of when you think of dogs. In the case of bones, the consensus is that raw is better that cooked. The reason is bones tend to splinter when subjected to heat. Bones are great for your dog, providing calcium and exercise for the teeth and jaws. 

Your dog will love to eat what you eat. For example – how about chicken and rice? Prepare it just as you would for yourself and see how your canine family member likes it! Throw a few veggies in also, good for them just like they are you. 

What’s more important is what not to feed them. Chocolate, sweets, salt, raw onions and garlic are some that you should not let them eat.

January 20, 2014

Healthy Life's Abundance Dog Food Ingredients

In pet care, nutrition is very significant. The value of what your pet feeds on is usually proportionate to the pet's energy and overall health. Here are some main Life's Abundance dog food ingredients and their corresponding health benefits.

Chicken Meat and Fat
Chicken's meat is a great source of protein and fatty acids. Both are integral to the pet’s growth and nourishment of its body. These components help promote healthy structures mainly for muscle mobility and insulation like the dog's skin and coat.