February 24, 2014

Commercial Dog Food Alternatives

Some companies such as Life's Abundance Dog Food produce what amounts to doggie health food that uses special ingredients to give your pet maximum nutrition. You can also prepare your dog a home cooked meal. Just as your home cooked meal is better than prepackaged food, so is your pet’s meal better if it is home made. 

Dogs of course love meat. However, they can also enjoy vegetables and other types of food you may have never thought that a dog would eat. If you are going to give them meat, it is better to cook it rather than feed it to them raw, for just like humans they can ingest salmonella and other pathogens that can make them sick. Cook the meat to at least 160 degrees Fahrenheit, as recommended by the USDA & FDA guidelines to kill any bacteria. 

Bones are something that you always think of when you think of dogs. In the case of bones, the consensus is that raw is better that cooked. The reason is bones tend to splinter when subjected to heat. Bones are great for your dog, providing calcium and exercise for the teeth and jaws. 

Your dog will love to eat what you eat. For example – how about chicken and rice? Prepare it just as you would for yourself and see how your canine family member likes it! Throw a few veggies in also, good for them just like they are you. 

What’s more important is what not to feed them. Chocolate, sweets, salt, raw onions and garlic are some that you should not let them eat.